Onions can add a zesty flavor to almost any dish, but if you have ever tried an onion from a grocery store, you know they can be a little disappointing at times. The time they spend in trucks making their way from the farm to the store can leave them bruised and flavorless. A great way to solve this problem is to grow your own onions. The germination process (the time during which the seed wakes from its dormant state and sprouts) is the most delicate time for your onion plant. If you do not take the proper steps to ensure the well-being of your onion during this stage, your plant may wither before it even has the chance to thrive.
1.Fill a plastic dish with loamy soil (soil that is a mixture of sand, clay, and organic matter). You want the soil to have a high level of organic matter to help nourish the new onions. Use a four inch by four inch plastic container to provide your seed with a safe place to germinate. The plastic container should be about five inches deep.
2.Dig a hole into the soil. The hole should be at least a half an inch deep to accommodate your onion seeds. Use a pair of tweezers to lift the onion seeds and drop them into the holes you create. The onion seeds are very small, so move slowly and with caution to ensure you do not lose any seeds. Cover the seeds with soil.
3.Water the seeds with a water bottle. You want to use the misting feature on the water bottle to ensure you do not accidentally uncover the seeds. Keep the seeds relatively moist while you wait for them to sprout.
4.Set the dish with the seeds in a sunny location. Like most plants, onions need a place with direct sunlight for the greater part of the day in order to thrive. For onions, you want to ensure that they get at least six hours of sunlight a day.
5.Monitor your seed for any growth. The onion seed should germinate in 7 to 10 days. If the seed is cold, it may take longer to germinate. Ensure that your seed is in a warm spot to encourage quicker germination.
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Seeds are a live organism. Their germination depends on many factor including heat, cooling, sun, shade, moisture, time of sowing, etc. None of these things I can control so I can not be held responsible for them. I promise to provide fresh viable seeds as I always have and the rest is up to you :)
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