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2003 Oshkosh Striker ARFF STI-1500 (Queens, NY 11430)

  • Listing ID: 17183878
  • Item #: 7883-000065
Reserve Not Met
Ends Jul 11, 2024 at 06:36 PM (Eastern)
  • Number of active bidders
  • 3
    active bidders
  • Number of people watching
  • 6
  • Total number of bids
  • 5
    total bids

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$23.95 (Customer Pick-up)

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2003 Oshkosh Striker ARFF STI-1500 (Queens, NY 11430)


Get a great deal with this online auction for a 2003 Oshkosh Striker ARFF STI-1500 presented by on behalf of the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey (PANYNJ). Notice is given that this 2003 Oshkosh Striker ARFF STI-1500 will be presented for 6-day auction beginning July 5, 2024.



The item(s) DO NOT have titles, but an original certificate of origin and bill of sale will be provided to the winning bidder/buyer. The bidder/buyer is responsible for determining Department of Motor Vehicle registration requirements in bidder/buyer’s applicable jurisdiction as well as costs, including any fees, registration fees, taxes, etc. It is suggested that bidders/buyers obtain this information before submitting any bid.



The items are located at JFK Airport. Bidders/buyers are not permitted to visit the storage facility during the advertisement or auction period except for the preview period dates/times outlined below. The winning bidder/buyer is responsible for pick up at the location. Item(s) not retrieved within 10 business days of the date of auction payment are subject to forfeiture of both fees and goods.


Item preview/inspections are by appointment only and require PANYNJ prior approval.  Bidders can NOT come on-site without prior approval from PANYNJ.  Inspection date/times are below and may change or be canceled depending on operational circumstances at the PANYNJ.



Inspection can be done between 8:00 am-10:00 am on Tuesday & Thursday, July 9 & 11.



Please email for location and appointment information.

The Agency has reported the following known information:


Items may have operational needs such as charging and/or newbatteries, tire inflation or other and is buyer responsibility.  Items sold are “as is, where is”.


Items may come with accompanying equipment such as plowblades or spare items. Auction specific.


Items cannot be driven off lot. 


Bidder/Buyer bears responsibility for knowing & adheringto any/all federal, state, local laws, rules and regulations regarding thepick-up, removal, towing and/or transportation of the item(s).

Bidder/Buyer bears responsibility for all legalities on theremoval/transportation of item(s).

Bidder/Buyer bears responsibility for any required licenses,permits and insurance(s) required.


Due to the overall item size, it is recommended thatappropriate towing/hauling equipment be used when removing the item.  Flatbed/Crane, Light Towers may be necessary.

Removal of the item(s) is the sole responsibility of theBidder/Buyer.

The required insurance must be reviewed/approved by the PortAuthority prior to item pick-up.

See images for further interior and exterior details of theitem(s).


The item(s) have NOT been inspected by a certified mechanicso no representations or warranties regarding the overall running condition aremade. It is suggested that the winning bidder/buyer have the item(s) thoroughlyinspected prior to attempting to drive and/or operate it.


No Port Authority property, regardless of value, may be soldor otherwise conveyed to any Port Authority Employee or Relative (as defined inPort Authority Administrative Instruction AI 20-1.13 "Employment ofRelatives"), and no Port Authority employee shall knowingly buy anyproperty that at one time belonged to the Port Authority. is the place to get deals on surplus andseized cars, vehicles, and automobiles.



TheContractor and its subcontractor(s) shall take out, maintain, and pay thepremiums on insurance coverages required below, for the life of the Contract.General Liability Insurance shall be written on an ISO occurrence form CG 00 010413 or its equivalent covering the obligations assumed by the Contractor underthis Contract, and including but not limited to premises-operations, products,completed operations, and independent contractors’ coverage, with contractualliability language covering the obligations assumed by the Contractorunder this Contract. 


CommercialGeneral Liability Insurance - $2 million peroccurrence for bodily injury and property damage liability  


AutomobileLiability Insurance -$2 million per accident for bodily injury and property damage liabilitycovering any auto, owned, non-owned, rented or hired automobiles 


Workers’Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance– to statutory limits and in accordance with the requirements of law in thestate(s) where work will take place, and Employer’s Liability Insurance of notless than $1 million for bodily injury by accident and $1 million for bodilyinjury by disease, and at least a $1 million policy limit. 


Theliability insurance “other than professional” shall be written on an occurrencebasis, as distinguished from a “claims made” basis, and shall not include anyexclusions for “action over claims”, insured vs. insured, and shall provide andencompass at least the following coverages:  

Coveragefor explosion, collapse and underground property damage (XCU) is not excluded;The insurance coverage (including primary, excess and/or umbrella) hereinafterafforded by the Contractor and all subcontractor(s) shall be primary insuranceand non-contributory with respect to insurance purchased by the additionalinsureds;  Excess/umbrella policies shall “follow form” to the underlyingpolicy; Excess/umbrella policies shall have a liberalization clause and a drop down provision; To the extent any coverage the Contractor andsubcontractor(s) obtains and/or maintains under this Contract contains “OtherInsurance” language or provisions, such language or provisions shall not beapplicable to the additional insureds or to any insurance coverage maintainedby the additional insureds; All insurance policies shall include a waiver ofsubrogation, unless forbidden  by law, in favor of the additionalinsureds; Defense costs must be outside of policy limits. Eroding limitspolicies are not permitted; In the event the Contractor and/or itssubcontractors obtains and/or maintains insurance in an amount greater than theminimum limits required under this Contract, then the full limits of thatinsurance coverage will be available to respond to any claim asserted againstthe additional insureds that arises out of or is in any way connected with thisContract; Additional insureds coverage shall not be restricted to vicariousliability unless required by controlling law.  


Inaddition, the additional insured provisions for the general liability andumbrella liability policy (ies) shall be written on a form at least as broad asISO Form CG 20 10 10 01 (for ongoing operations work) together with ISO Form CG20 37 10 01 (for completed operations work) endorsed to also include as anadditional insured: “The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and itsrelated entities, including Port Authority Trans Hudson Corporation, (PATH),their Commissioners, Directors, Superintendents, officers,partners, employees, agents, their affiliates, successors or assigns” as AdditionalInsured (as defined in the policy or in an additional insured endorsementamending the policy’s “Who is An Insured” language as the particular policy mayprovide).  The “Additional Insured” shall be afforded coverage and defenseas broad as if they are the first named insured and regardless of whether theyare otherwise identified as additional insureds under the liabilitypolicies, including but not limited to premises-operations, products-completedoperations on the Commercial General Liability Policy. Such additional insuredsstatus shall be provided regardless of privity of contract between the parties.The liability policy (ies) and certificates of insurance shall containseparation of insured or severability of interests clauses so that coveragewill respond as if separate policies were in force for each insured. An act oromission of one of the insureds shall not reduce or void coverage to the otherinsureds. The Contractor is responsible for all deductibles and losses notcovered by commercially procured insurance. Any portion of the coverage to beprovided under a Self-Insured Retention (SIR) of the Contractor is subject toprior review and approval of the General Manager, Risk Finance. If any part ofthe insurance is self-insured, Contractor and its subcontractors agrees totreat all losses within the self-insured retention as though commercialinsurance is in place, including providing defense to the Additional Insured.Furthermore, any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the additionalinsureds shall not contribute to any loss or claim. 


Ifany of the Work is to be done on or at Port Authority facilities bysubcontractors and, if the Contractor requires its subcontractors to procureand maintain such insurance in the name of the Contractor, then such insuranceas is required herein shall include and cover the additional insureds and itmust have insurance limits not lower than those set forth by the Port Authorityherein, along with all the insurance requirements in this section known as“Insurance Procured by the Contractor”. All insurance coverage shall beprovided by the Contractor and/or by or for any of its subcontractors at noadditional expense to the Port Authority and its related entities. A copy ofthis section titled “Insurance Procured by the Contractor” shall be given toyour insurance agent and subcontractors and shall form a part of the coveredcontract or subcontract for insurance purposes in furtherance of the insurancerequirements under this Contract. 


Further,it is the Contractor’s responsibility to maintain, enforce and ensure that thetype of coverages and all limits maintained by it and any of all subcontractorsare accurate, adequate and in compliance with the Port Authority requirements;and the Contractor is to retain a copy of its subcontractors’ certificates ofinsurance. All certificates of insurance shall be turned over to the PortAuthority prior to the start of work, including subcontractors’ work, and uponcompletion of the Contract. The contractor, its subcontractors and itsinsurers shall not, without obtaining the express advance written permissionfrom the General Counsel of the Port Authority, raise any defense involving inany way the jurisdiction of? any court, tribunal, agency, special district,commission or other authority exercising judicial or regulatory functions overthe person of the Port Authority, the immunity of the Port Authority, itsCommissioners, directors, officers, agents or employees, their affiliates,successors and/or assigns, the governmental nature of the Port Authority or theprovision of any statutes respecting suits against the Port Authority. The PortAuthority is an intended third-party beneficiary of the agreement between theContractor, and each of its respective subcontractors and insurers, with thedirect right to enforce the agreement with respect to this provision.Each policy above shall contain an endorsement that the policy may not becanceled, terminated, or modified without thirty (30) days’ prior writtennotice to the Port Authority Att: Facility Contract Administrator, at thelocation where the work will take place with a copy to the General Manager, Risk Finance.  


ThePort Authority may, at any time during the term of this Contract, change ormodify the limits and coverages of insurance. 

Withinfive (5) days after the award of this Contract and prior to the start ofany work, the Contractor must submit an original certificate of insurance tothe Port Authority Facility Contract Administrator, at the location where thework will take place. This certificate of insurance must show evidence of theabove insurance policy (ies), including, but not limited to, the cancellationnotice endorsement, and state the contract number prior to the start of work.The Contractor is also responsible for maintaining and conforming to allinsurance requirements from the additional insureds and their successors orassigns. The General Manager, Risk Finance must approve the certificate(s) ofinsurance before any work can begin. Upon request by the Port Authority, theContractor shall furnish to the General Manager, Risk Finance, a certified copyof each policy, including the premiums. 


Ifat any time the above liability insurance should be canceled, terminated, ormodified so that the insurance is not in effect as required, then theContractor and all subcontractors shall suspend performance of the Contract atthe premises until a satisfactory insurance policy (ies) and certificate ofinsurance is provided to and approved by Risk Finance, unless the Facility orProject Manager directs the Contractor, in writing, to continue to performingwork under the Contract. If the Contract is so suspended, no extension of timeshall be due on account thereof.   


Initialcertificates should be submitted to the Port Authority Contract Administrator,Renewal certificates of insurance or policies shall be emailed to,and upon request from the additional insureds, their successors or assigns atleast fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of each expiring policy.The General Manager, Risk Finance must approve the renewal certificate(s) ofinsurance before work can resume on the facility. If at any time any of thecertificates or policies shall become unsatisfactory to the Port Authority, theContractor shall promptly obtain a new and satisfactory certificate and policyand provide same to the Port Authority. Failure by the Contractor to meet anyof the insurance requirements, including the requirement that the PortAuthority be afforded the full extent of the insurance obtained under thisContract without limitation, shall be deemed a material breach of contract andmay be a basis for termination of this Contract by the Port Authority.  


Therequirements for insurance procured by the Contractor and subcontractor(s)shall not in any way be construed as a limitation on the nature or extent ofthe contractual obligations assumed by the Contractor or its liability underthis Contract. The insurance requirements are not a representation by the PortAuthority as to the adequacy of the insurance necessary to protect theContractor against the obligations imposed on it by law or by this or any othercontract. 

VIN #   10TBKAK163S073845
Model   STI-1500
Make   Oshkosh
Year   2003
Odometer Reading   Unknown
Title?   None
Type of Title   Certificate of Origin ONLY
Damage to Exterior   See images
Damage to Interior   See images
Rust   See images
Will the Item Start?   Unknown
Will the Item Run?   Unknown

Condition: Untested - Sold as-is



This ASSET is being listed on behalf of a law enforcement agency or other partner ("SELLER") by on a Sold AS IS, WHERE IS, WITH ALL FAULTS basis, with no representation or warranty from or SELLER. In many cases, the car, boat, truck, motorcycle, aircraft, mowers/tractors, etc. ("ASSET") sold on comes from seizure or forfeiture, and the SELLER typically does not possess use-based knowledge of the ASSET. Further, does not physically inspect the ASSET and cannot attest to actual working conditions. and SELLER gather information about the ASSET from authoritative sources; still, errors may appear from time to time in the listing. cautions any website user, shopper, bidder, etc. ("BUYER") to attempt to confirm, with us, information material to a bidding/purchasing decision.


As an example of information that cannot confirm, we do not verify odometer readings. Further, acts solely as an advertiser for SELLER. BUYER will acquire title to the ASSET directly from SELLER.


SELLER states, to the best of its knowledge, no liens, security interests or encumbrances exist on this ASSET and the Odometer reading reflects the total actual mileage of the vehicle. Only claims for discrepancies pertaining to year/make/model/VIN/mileage will be honored. These claims must be made PRIOR to removal of the vehicle from the lot. The liability of SELLER shall not exceed the actual purchase price of the property/vehicle.

Except as expressly set forth above, the SELLER makes no warranty, guaranty or representation of any kind, expressed or implied, as to the merchantability or fitness for any purpose of the property/vehicle offered for sale. The undersigned acknowledge that the goods were sold using the services of the website.


At this time only accepts bidders from the United States, Canada and Mexico on Vehicles and Heavy Industrial Equipment. The Bid Now button will appear on auctions where you are qualified to place a bid.


Acceptable forms of payment methods for vehicles and heavy industrial equipment include the following. All payments $5,000 or more must be made via Wire Transfer.

Bidders from the United States: The only accepted payment methods for bidders from the United States are Credit Card, PayPal and Wire Transfer. All payments $5,000 or more must be made via Wire Transfer.

  1. Credit Card. We currently accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Debit Cards that bear the Visa or MasterCard logo up to $4,999.99. All payments $5,000 or more must be made via Wire Transfer.
  2. PayPal. We currently accept PayPal up to $4,999.99. All payments $5,000 or more must be made via Wire Transfer.
  3. Wire transfer. For wire transfer, you will receive an email for the final winning bid to be paid via wire transfer. This must be paid in full within 72 hours of receipt. If not paid, within 72 hours you acknowledge and agree to possible forfeiture of any fees and goods. To learn more about wire transfers, please read the FAQ on Wire Transfers for Vehicles and Heavy Industrial Equipment.

Bidders from Canada or Mexico: Payment made via wire transfer is the only accepted payment method for bidders from Canada & Mexico. currently does not accept international credit cards, credit cards or PayPal based outside of the United States, as a form of payment.

  1. Wire transfer. For wire transfer, you will receive an email for the final winning bid to be paid via wire transfer. This must be paid in full within 72 hours of receipt. If not paid, within 72 hours you acknowledge and agree to possible forfeiture of any fees and goods. To learn more about wire transfers, please read the FAQ on Wire Transfers for Vehicles and Heavy Industrial Equipment.

The BUYER will receive a notification email from following the close of an auction. After fraud verification and payment settlement, we will email the winning bidder instructions for retrieving the ASSET from the Location listed above.

The winning bidder possesses sole responsibility for arranging and paying for any costs associated with retrieving the ASSET, which in the case of a vehicle may involve towing or flatbed transport.

Some ASSETS may show "In-Place" as the only shipping method in the listing description. Such ASSETS require pick-up from the location specified in the ASSET listing. The following rules and practices apply to ASSETS designated as In-Place ASSETS:

  • BUYER is solely responsible for noting the pick-up location and any restrictions on pick up arrangements for a specific In-Place ASSET prior to purchase.
  • Following the purchase and once payment has been verified and settled; will send an email to BUYER with the address of the ASSET purchased and contact information for the SELLER of the ASSET.
  • BUYER is responsible for contacting the SELLER of the ASSET and making arrangements to pick-up the ASSET. This will include a requirement to make an appointment for such pick-up.
  • The SELLER may require BUYER to verify your identity and/or fill-out and sign such documentation as the SELLER may specify at the time of pick-up.

If BUYER is authorizing a freight service or an individual to pick up the ASSET on their behalf, they must coordinate retrieval of the asset with the SELLER. THIS WILL REQUIRE:

  • A Notarized Statement or Power of Attorney from you directly to the SELLER authorizing release of ASSET to freight service or individual.
  • Authorized pick-up person or freight service may not, under any circumstances, coordinate pick-up with the SELLER.
  • Authorized pick-up person will be required to furnish ID at time of pick-up.

All applicable shipping, logistics, transportation, customs, fees (storage/gate/title/registration/smog/other), taxes, export/import activities and all associated costs are the sole responsibility of the BUYER. No shipping, customs, export or import assistance is available from

When applicable for a given ASSET, BUYER bears responsibility for determining motor vehicle registration requirements in the applicable jurisdiction as well as costs, including any fees, registration fees, taxes, etc., owed as a result of BUYER registering an ASSET; for example, BUYER bears sole responsibility for all title/registration/smog and other such fees.

If you wish to have this ASSET freight shipped within the United States or internationally, suggests using uShip. Please click here for more information on how to obtain a shipping quote.

Unless we have entered into a separate written agreement with you, you are responsible for transportation of the ASSET that you purchase. Transportation includes rigging, loading, securing and transporting the purchased ASSET, including all costs and risks associated with removal. Where we indicate the ASSET must be loaded by you, you must provide all material handling equipment and properly trained and certified operators to operate such equipment. Your employees or agents are responsible for compliance with all federal, state, local and facility (the location where the ASSET are located) security, environmental, safety and health laws and regulations while operating equipment on the loading site. You are responsible for any damages to property, including spills or releases of hazardous substances, which might occur during the removal process. Failure by you or your agent to clean up any releases or to repair any damages may result in you being banned from future participation in our auctions, and you may be reported to the appropriate authorities, as well as other remedies that may be available to us or to any other party damaged by your actions.

The winning bidder will receive a notification email from following auction close. After fraud verification and payment settlement, we will email the winning bidder instructions for retrieving the item from the Will-Call Location listed above. The winning bidder possesses sole responsibility for arranging and paying for any costs associated with retrieving the item, which in the case of a vehicle may involve towing or flatbed transport.

Warranties and Disclaimer
Disclaimer: By bidding on any item, you expressly agree that use of the website and the services is at your sole risk and subject to the user agreement. The website, the services and any goods or services purchased or obtained through the website, the services or any transactions entered into through the website or services are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. PropertyRoom disclaims, on its own behalf and, when acting as an agent, on behalf of its principal, all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. No advice, opinions or information, whether oral or written, obtained from PropertyRoom or through the website or services shall create any warranty. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain warranties, so the some of the foregoing exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other legal rights which vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

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